
The ministry

What we believe.

We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God, and that Christ died on the cross of Calvary to save us from our sins and to heal all our sickness, only if we believe in him with all our heart. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was hundred percent God and hundred percent men when he was here on earth in bodily form. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the in dwelling spirit in the heart of every believer. That means that we believe in the trinity.

The doctrine of this church is the word of God the “BIBLE” practically we are a bible believing church, empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit.

We will be happy to welcome you in our mist with an open heart and hands as a fellow believer. Jesus is the foundation and the chief corner stone of new creation evangelical mission. We are united in fellowship and directed by the Holy Spirit in all our services, all our heart is for serving God, each other, community and nations at large. You will experience a dynamic worship as you join us in every service.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit the pastor give the undiluted word of God, which goes a long way to transform people’s life, through this undiluted word of God there has been tremendous miracles through the manifestation of the power of the Holy Ghost among God’s people. This is a ministry that disciple people through bonding to discover develop and deploys the gifts, treasures and potentials that God has placed in those he has called. We are committed to equip saints for the work of ministry and to fulfil the mandate that Christ gave his disciples in Mathew 28:18-19, paraphrase: that is making the whole world the disciple of our Lord Jesus. We are here also to heal and restore shattered life through the power of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. We believe that our Lord is coming back soon, so our main task is to prepare the saints so that they may know the mystery of God namely Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3

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